
Contao brings some extra modules for complex interactions like form building, search, comments or data listing. Just take a look at the examples below.

Form generator

Forms are a very important tool to help you to create user feedback from the visitors of your website. Contao features an easy way to build and edit individual forms with its Form generator. All the common form fields known from HTML can be used and there are several ways to apply different options to each field. You can make them mandatory, define allowed input values or add CSS classes to specific fields.

The Form generator also allows to "Send form data via e-mail" or "Store data" in your database. For the submission methods you can choose between POST and GET. You will see there is a lot of fun in the module out of the box.

Contact form example

Bitte addieren Sie 4 und 6.

Search engine

This module generates a search feature. The search lists all sites which consist the keyword. With this module allows to search a whole Contao website which is great for a better user experience.

Just visit the following link to see it in action on this demo website: Check out Search 


Some text about the comments and an example

Kommentar von comment author |

This is a single short comment in the comment system.

Bitte rechnen Sie 8 plus 6.


The module Article list will make a list of data sets available on the website. The list can be sorted, viewed with applied filters and searched by Front-End users. A table drawn from a database acts as the basis for the list.


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